Wednesday, March 13, 2013


Well, as I said before, my camera lens broke :( So for now 
you are seeing the photos I took that I like but not love till I get another lens!
I am looking for a lens that has good macro but also a long zoom. The middle photo
was taken when the school bus was coming up the road so I just randomly snapped, and apparently as I did my friend Kate decided to give a wave. I was pleasantly surprised to find her in it :) 
BTW this is my 60th post and I have now over 4,000 pageviews :)


  1. OMGOSH I love the one with the girl waving down the school bus. THE BUS IS SOOOOOOOOO.................COOL!!!!!!!!!! Just like the movies!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Parker great job!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the bus one as well!!! And i also like the keyboard one and the grass one great job!!!!!!
    Keep it up and hope you find good lens:)

  3. Thanks Lucas, Shiloh, and Paulo!

  4. Lovely photos, and i like the one with the bus where you caught your friend waving in it. You gave a depth of field in that photo by doing that. Something I learnt in my photography class two weeks ago.

  5. Gostei muito mesmo das fotos, especialmente a do ônibus.Abraço!
