Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I am back to posting!

Hello everyone! 
Well if you haven't noticed I have not been posting on my blog, but as the schoolyear has started up again...SO WILL MY BLOG!!! I have so many photos I want to share with you guys,so I will start with these! Since my last post I have also purchased Adobe Lightroom 4, gotten 860 followers on G+, turned 13, and one two photo competitions out of 170,000 people! So this is my first 
post of a new chapter in my life.  Which one is your favorite? What do you like\not like about them? I would love some feedback!  Thanks!

 This photo (above) got me Photo of The Day
out of a community of 170,000 people!
I was honored!

 I have gotten into using a technique called Long Exposure.
This gets the water blurred while keeping the background in focus.
While it can be hard to learn, I have learned to love it and use it 
on many of my photos! Here are some long exposure shots that I have 
taken over the last couple of months.

 One of my favorite things in photgraphy is now long exposure!
I simply love the effect it gives to a photo. Long exposure
is when you leave your shutter open for a long time to blur the water.
This was my attempt at shooting a local creek. My tripod was broken
so I had to do this shot basically handheld. Super excited because 
this one also won the competition and got Photo of the Day in the 170,000 member community!
 An old photo re-edited to give it some life. 
I didn't chagne the eye I just made it B&W and tweaked some 
shadows and contrast.
Tons more photos to come and thanks for reading :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

City Lights

I was coming back from a late night baseball game, and I was pretty
bored. Luckily I brought my camera along, so I decided to do some long
exposures on our car and the other cars lights! I think they turned out pretty cool!
What do you think?

Monday, June 24, 2013

Birds, Bugs, Water, and Sunsets

I have tons of photos I want to share with you all! So I guess 
I will just share them a few at a time over a ton of posts! 
Here are some I have taken over the past few days.

 I love the water droplets in these two photos!

 My first attempt at blurring water!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Mom and Dad Photo Shoot

Hi everyone!
I  went to Sunshine Farms to visit Tyndall and Katie Grace at a camp they were doing. While I was there I decided to try out my new camera on two of my very favorite people!  So Mom and Dad walked around the farm for an impromptu photo shoot whileI snapped some photos of them. I think they turned out well. I am starting a photography business for families in the Birmingham area. I am really excited! Email me if you are interested in setting up a time! My email:

 I think this one is so cute! (Above)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

My first post with my new camera!

(Best viewed large)
I am super excited! I love it soooooo much it is way better than what I could have hoped for!
So over the past few days I have taken 
hundreds of photos! I would love to hear some feedback on the photos!
Hope you enjoy!

This flower was in front of our neighborhood. Dad drove me down there
and this was the final result!

I just think this photo is cool :)
 I love the lighting in this photo of Katie Grace!
I love the light in this one! 
 A cool flower!
A cute one of my friends Shelby and Ruthie.
(Below) I love the light and color in this one!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

A BIG Change of Plans!

Hi everyone! thought I was getting the Nikon D5200
with an 18-105 mm lens! BUT!! I cancelled that order! I am now changing 
to a more expensive order but one that is way better! Here is the link to it!
So back to the post! I decided I wanted to try to fiddle around with water on this one!
My good friend Shelby Young lent me her camera for a little while, so I grabbed the next door neighbor, got a watering can, and started working! This was the result!

I just thought this photo was cool!
I love the colors on this one! I tried to take a different
angle then what usually people would on this flower! 
I just like the colors in this one!
I feel like I can almost reach out and pop the bubble of water
on top of the flower!
Iphone photo I took the other day! Without a camera I have been
working a little with the Iphone!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Experimenting with the Nikon D3100

I am very excited to share these photos with you! All fo them were taken
with my friend Shelby Young's Nikon D3100 with an 18-55 mm lens. I think they are pretty
cool!! I have recieved news my camera is coming on America's Wednesday! I am really
excited!!!! I would love to hear what you think of the photos!!
And if you haven't joined my blog I would be ecstatic if you did!
 I am a sucker for any photo with a bee, so I was really
happy when I saw this one!
My first attempt at a water droplet! How did I do?
 Another bug photo :)
 I think I prefer the black and white photo for this one.
What do you think?
 This flower was simply stunning! I was happy I could get
just a glimpse of its beauty!
 The black and white version of this photo! 

I just thought this photo was kind of cool! 
I was pretty bummed though about the bright light 
on the flower!
Believe it or not this is actually a photo of light coming through the trees!
This one was actually taken with my old Nikon D40!

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Exciting News!

(Photos best viewed large)
Hi everyone!!! Well I have some
very exciting news! After laboriously saving up
really provided for me.....Mom was expecting for me to have
enough money for it one my birthday (and they would give the remaining)
but God provided so it is on its way! Well these are probably
the last photos I will post using a borrowed camera :) Also, on G+
random people have been following me after seeing my photos,
so I just added like 267 random people so now they can see my photos we will see what happens with that.The camera is supposed to come
in 2ish weeks, so this will be my last post until then! Once I get it,
I will be posting LOTS on my website (and more than likely to be more nature photos)
Thanks for keeping up with my blog even when I didn't have a camera :)
Thanks for looking, commenting, and following!

Finally..........A SUNSPOT!! :)
I was really pleased with this photo (above)